The Serchio Valley: Barga and the Devil’s Bridge

You never return here; you always come for the first time. Because this is an uncontaminated part of Tuscany, a place that will unveil itself to you little by little. There’s everything needed to lose the sense of time in … Read More

Discover the Garfagnana, from Grotta del Vento to Castelvecchio

An itinerary from the town of Gallicano to Grotta del Vento, hugging the Turrite River, which offers scenes of rare beauty: don’t miss the town of Verni, the medieval fortress of Trassilico, the hermitage of Calomini, or the Lake of … Read More

Hike on the Pania della Croce

A nice hike on the Pania del Croce with the Van Putten family and the Emery family. Here are some photos.

Happiness on Monte Forato

A nice hike on Monte Forato with the Szczepański family from Poland.

Mountain bike at “Le Capanne”

We look forward to Le Capanne… we can accompany you in beautiful MTB tours!